Varanadi Kashayam
by Sheela Rani Chunkath
In an earlier column I had promised to write about Varanadi Kashayam. The Kashayam which is made from soaking the following herbs overnight and then reducing the liquid the next morning is written about in the Ashtanga Hrdyam. It is useful in the treatment of obesity, rheumatic complaints, headaches, abdominal ulcers and internal bleeding. Since many patients felt that making the kashayam was somewhat tedious as they had to source 16 ingredients, the Ayurvedic vaidyars have made a tablet out of it called Varanadi Kashayam tablets. I would always opt for the fresh kashayam but then everybody is not a purist. The Varanadi Kashayam contains the following ingredients.
· Crataeva religiosa (Varuna)
· Strobilanthes ciliatus (Sairyaka)
· Asparagus racemosus (Satavari)
· Plumbago zeylanica (Dahana)
· Chenomorpha fragrans (Morata)
· Aegle marmelos (Vilwa)
· Aristolochia bracteata (Vishanika)
· Solanum melongena (Brihati)
· Aerva lanata (Bhadra)
· Pongamia glabra (Karanja)
· Holoptelia integrifolia (Pootikaranja)
· Premna corymbosa (Jaya)
· Terminalia chebula (Pathya)
· Moringa oleifera (Bahalapallava)
· Desmostachya bipinnata (Darbha)
· Semicarpus anacardium (Rujakara)
Some of the ingredients may be familiar to you. Moringa oleifera is the popular drumstick, Asparagus racemosus is thanneer vittan kizhangu(Tamil), Aegle marmelos or vilwa is the tree found in Shiva temples,Pongamia glabra is the pongam tree the popular avenue trees in Chennai, Terminalia chebula is one of the three ingredients in Triphala namely Kadukkai (Tamil). All these ingredients are capable of reducing the adipose tissue. Plumbago zeylanica is something I have written about earlier. It is called Chitrack (Hindi) or white leadwort. Solanum indicum one of the dasamula roots known as brhati is something readers will be familiar with. Aerva lanata or sirupilai the wonder plant which can break kidney stones is again something readers may remember from the article on urinary calculi. Semicarpus anacardium called marking nut is the nut which if not processed properly will make you itch like mad. Since it is an effective herb, vaidyars often use it after processing it properly. Premna corymbosa is one of the trees of the Dasamulam group and is called Munnai and which the readers are familiar with. Crataeva religiosa called the sacred garlic pear is not such a common herb. Strobilanthes Ciliatus is not probably cherukurinji which grows abundantly in the Nilgiris. Chenomorpha fragrans is a spectacular flowering vine. Called the climbing frangipani, it has a beautiful fragrance too and can be grown in homes for its silvery white flowers and perfume. Aristolochia bracteata called Isvaramuli has been described in detail by Siddhars and is also called Adutheendpallai. Holoptelia integrifolia called Aya in Tamil is not one of the more commonly used herbs. Desmostachya bipinnata is darbha grass and is said to be a grass mentioned in the Rig Veda. It is also known as Kusha grass. Some drops of the amrta which was produced when churning the ocean is supposed to have fallen on this grass making it a healing grass.
So it is no wonder that a kashayam made with herbals both potent and magical works so effectively in reducing obesity and curing headaches etc. The Varanadi Kashayam tablets are popular as they are easy to consume. The dosage is two tablets two times a day on empty stomach. Since this is a preparation for losing weight it should be used only after consulting a vaidyar who will decides whether you need a nourishing course of treatment or a depleting one. Losing weight has to be done carefully without harming the immune system.
--- The writer was earlier Health Secretary, Government of Tamil Nadu and is currently Additional Chief Secretary and Chairman & Managing Director, Tamil Nadu Handicrafts Development Corporation. She can be reached at Sheelarani.arogyamantra@gmail. com. Earlier articles can be accessed at