Goodness of Yoghurt Whey

by Sheela Rani Chunkath

Pure Ayurvedists usually do not advocate drinking thick yoghurt. They usually recommend that you remove the butter from the yoghurt and drink the remaining liquid mixed with water. We usually call this buttermilk. There is yet another drink, yoghurt whey which recommended by the Ayurvedists. Yoghurt whey is different from the whey protein powders available in the market. The whey protein powders available as supplements are usually highly processed with many chemicals and is not recommended by the Ayurvedists.

Most of us in India make our own yoghurt which is the best way of making it. Milk when cultured with a small portion of yesterday’s yoghurt (containing friendly lactic acid producing bacteria) undergoes fermentation. The bacteria breaks down the milk sugar (lactose) and milk proteins (casein) and curds are made. The white curds are the casein containing portion of the milk.The yellowish-greenish liquid which is seen with the curd is whey. Usually proud housewife’s try to make curds with as little whey as possible by boiling the milk to be set for a longer time than usual. What we need to do to make whey is to set curds by using more water than usual. I usually boil 1 glass of milk with four glasses of water and set it with a small dollop of homemade yoghurt. I usually do this at night, the next morning the curds would have formed with the greenish whey water on top. You can pour and filter out the liquid. The semisolid portion that remains behind can be used after the butter is removed to make "Mor Kootan", Mor Kuzhambu or kali. If you want to extract more whey, hang the curds in a white cloth and the whey will slowly drip out. Do not squeeze the cloth, the whey should be allowed to drip out naturally.

Whey is a healing food. It helps balance the acidity of the stomach and is a great source of protein. If you are on a diet and want to lose weight without harming your health whey is the way to go. Whey is a great source of beneficial bacteria and can be used instead of the expensive probiolic foods how being introduced into the market. Whey contains biologically active proteins and the essential amino acids that the body needs. The following are some of the nutrients available in yoghurt whey. Vitamins such as B2 or riboflavin help the body convert carbohydrates into fuel. Essential amino acids are present in a highly bio-available form. Lactoferrin, a multifunctional protein with iron binding properties helps support the bodies anti-microbial and ant-inflammatory processes. Bovine serum albumin (BSA) is a substance high in amino acids. It is a powerful antioxidant and supports infection fighting white bold cell activity. It also helps reduce cholesterol. Whey also contains immunoglobulin’s which increases the body’s immunity to diseases. Probiotic organisms promote digestion and balance the gut flora. Glutathione precursors boosts the production of powerful anti-oxidants. In addition to all these, whey also contains minerals such as potassium iron and zinc.

The whey that is left behind when paneer is made is not as nutritious as plain yoghurt whey. Since while making paneer the milk is heated to a high temperature and also when adding lime juice many of the probiotic organisms are killed. Paneer whey contains protein and can be used as an easily digestible protein source but lacks many of the goodness of yoghurt whey.

I drink my quota of whey of about half a glass, once or twice a day. I usually add a few mint leaves, asafoetida and salt. It enhances the flavour and further improves digestion. Whey can be used as a substitute for buttermilk when baking. If you have extra whey, store it in a glass bottle in the fridge. It keeps for about six months. So go ahead and enjoy your glass of whey and be done with bloated stomachs and heat burns.

--- The writer is retired Additional Chief Secretary, Government of Tamil Nadu. She can be reached at Sheelarani.arogyamantra@gmail. com. Earlier articles can be accessed at

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