Goat’s Rue – A European Galactagogue

by Sheela Rani Chunkath

In India we have so many foods and classical compositions that are galactagogues in nature. A new mother could use her family's wisdom regarding milk producing foods or approach an ayurvedic vaidyar to get a prescription for galactagogues.

In the Western world, like in the USA for instance, more emphasis is on mechanical methods such as breast pumps for increasing lactation. Pediatricians and lactation consultants advise mothers on how to feed the baby or how to put the baby to the breast, how to get a good latch etc. They also seem to have some recommendations on herbal methods for increasing lactation. One of the popular herbs recommended by the mothers who like natural foods etc. is goat's rue or blessed thistle. This herb (Galega officinalis) is also known as galega or French lilac, Italian fitch, professor-weed or holy hay.

It is indigenous to Southern Europe and was first mentioned by a dairyy farmer, Gillette Damitte in 1873 when he wrote a letter to the French Academy that milk production increased in his cows fed with goat's rue by 35-50% Goat's rue also causes increase breast tissue. Goat's rue also decreases blood sugar, promotes sweating and increases urine output. It is a popular galactagogue used by French women and is slowly getting popular among American mothers who want to embrace more holistic natural foods. Because of its anti-diabetic properties it is particularly useful for mothers who have had gestational diabetes. Apparently, Metformin, one of the popular drugs for treating diabetes was originally developed from goat's rue. It is also useful in treating Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). Nettle and fennel are other herbs that are used by lactating mothers to increase milk supply.

Most of these herbs are available as liquid extracts or capsules. My favourite for breast feeding mothers would be goat's rue tea. One teaspoon of dried goat's rue leaves is added to one cup of hot water and allowed to sit for 10 minutes. Filter and drink -- it is that simple.

Fenugreek is given as a galactagogue in the Kerala Ayurvedic tradition. Goat's rue and fenugreek both belong to the same family, Fabaceae. Goat's rue is a pretty herb with beautiful white, pink and violet flowers. While the galactagogues in the European tradition seems to be more from random discoveries, in the Ayurvedic tradition it has been systematically documented by Charaka, thousands of years ago.

Charaka has given a list of 10 herbs for augmenting milk supply and another 10 herbs for cleansing and detoxifying breast milk.

For increasing breast milk

Stanyashodhana – for cleansing and detoxifying breast milk

I am convinced that Ayurveda was and is far ahead of the rest of the world when it comes to taking care of its postpartum mothers.

--- The writer is retired Additional Chief Secretary, Government of Tamil Nadu. She can be reached at Sheelarani.arogyamantra@gmail. com. Earlier articles can be accessed at http://arogyamantra.blogspot.com/