
by Sheela Rani Chunkath

A children’s formulation which is made up of fermented herbs is a famous ayurvedic preparation called Aravindasavam. It is a preparation which improves the digestive strength or agni of children. It is specifically used for children who are poor eaters and is an answer to the mothers prayer for something to help her child eat something. It is also useful in grahadosa, that is psychological problems of children. This medicine is given in small doses after food, 10-20 drops twice or thrice a day. It is a digestive tonic and promotes good growth in children.

It is a drug which can be used for most childhood ailments such as recurrent coughs/bronchitis, lack of appetite and digestive problems. It is helpful in treating flatulence, loose motions, abdominal pain and indigestion. It can also be used to treat constipation.

Aravindasavam is especially useful in behavioural disorders like autism and hyperactivity, dyslexia etc. It does this by affecting the nervous system. It is a soothing preparation and helps improve cognitive skills and promotes learning. It enhances the immune system and provides nutrients to help the child's growth. Calcium and phosphorous in the preparation promotes bone growth. It also contains vitamin D which helps in better calcium absorption.

Aravindasavam contains self-generated alcohol by the use of Dhataki (woodfordia fruiticosa) a flower which helps in the fermentation process. The other ingredients are lotuses and lilies, cardamom sariva and vetiver. It contains 28 ingredients each of which contributes to the goodness of the asavam. The ingredients of triphala namely haritaki, bhibitaki and amalaki also find a place in the preparation. The fruits of Gmelina and Draksha provides sweetness and nutrients to the asava and aids in fermentation of the preparation. Of course large quantities of sugar and honey are also used to speed up the fermentation process.

Selinum tenuifolium also known as mura in an important ingredient. The root of this plant is regarded as a nerve sedative. The volatile oil from the root contains an acetylene compound which is useful in mental disorders and nervous problems. Hence the importance of this asavam in treating psychological problems in children. Mura is an interesting herb and used in both the Ayurvedic and homeopathic traditions. It is used as a fodder for animals and even used in making local liquors.

The other ingredients are jatamanshi, mushta, nili, vacha, parpata, shyama, shathi etc. The effect of all these ingredients is that the preparation contains alkaloids and flavonoids which have antiviral, antinflammatory, anti-obesity, antipyretic, anti-cancerous, hepatoprotective and antidiarrheal effects. Jatamanshi in addition to mura also has sedative and neuroprotective properties. The preparation is therefore much used by Ayurvedic vaidyars for addressing both general health issues as well as psychological health issues of children.


--- The writer is retired Additional Chief Secretary, Government of Tamil Nadu. She can be reached at Sheelarani.arogyamantra@gmail. com. Earlier articles can be accessed at